My Cluttered Mind

I consider my mind to be a tangled mess of chaotic Indian traffic during peak hours. That’s me; the cars, the pedestrians, the bikes, the mopeds, the trucks and the buses. All of the chaos and the noise. I swear my mind goes a mile a minute, 24 hours a day. It is really just becoming too much as I also literally have a lot going on. I mean, I keep a note pad beside my bed because I come up with ideas for things while I’m sleeping. Seriously, who does that? But I think an idle mind can be a happy mind and I plan to find this happy place that has eluded me for so long.


I think that meditation is by far my best bet but can you believe that I have tried mediation before and all I could see when I closed my eyes were images and thoughts of what I need to do later or what I was going to make for dinner. I really can not shut my mind down, not even for a second. I’ve tried imagining a black board, an ocean and even a desert but then it just turns into a memory of some sort from a past vacation. lol! I really am terrible at this.

I read a great funny post yesterday by Your Invisible Touch about her “trashy mind” and her efforts to try to clear her mind through meditation. Reading it made me realize just how busy and cluttered my mind is and inspired me to give meditation another try. *Holds breath* but in the meantime until I can actually find a way to stop thinking so much I have found that simply being quiet has helped me a lot. I’m the type of person that listens to music while in the shower and driving or walking to work so there is never a quiet moment. One day my connection went out and you wouldn’t believe just how much better I felt. It was amazing to hear nothing at all. With two children, I don’t have a lot of time to myself but even 10 minutes of pure quiet was so beautiful.


Now if I can only learn to be still in that quietness. That’s my next plan in what seems to be a five (5) step program to meditation for people with peak Indian traffic minds.

  1. Shut down all sounds around you.
  2. Sit still
  3. Close eyes
  4. Breath
  5. Meditate into blissful emptiness

I tell you, I see this as something I could possibly market to the busy brains of the world. You work on one step a month. lol! But in all honesty, I have to start at some point and I think I will make a solid attempt at step two – sitting still. We all should try it sometime. Wish me luck!!

Live and love in positivity,




Traffic {source}, meditating woman {source}

15 thoughts on “My Cluttered Mind

  1. kimtierney94 says:

    I can totally relate here! I have a notepad next to my bed too because I constantly remember things as I’m falling asleep. I’ve been trying meditation and mindfulness a lot more, and I have the same problems with sitting still. It’s very difficult, but meditation is a skill, we can learn to clear the crazy peak Indian traffic in our heads!


  2. gridthusto says:

    I really can relate to this. I actually have my kindle right next to bed and jot down ideas as I’m laying there at insane hours. I like the analogy of peak indian traffic. Thanks for the 5 step program too, i’ll have to try this.


    • creativegem says:

      There really are too many of us with busy minds. I tell creative people all of the time to keep something to jot stuff down with near your bed because all of the good ideas come at night. I see we both keep vampire hours. I hope the 5 steps work! lol! If I try it all at once it’ll never happen so I figure might as well ease my way into it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. bhart2015 says:

    Well we could look at the glass half full! Having so much going through your head indicates you have a busy, creative life! This is a good thing! Taming it can be the challenge. I attended a Sundance festival and sat in on a “coffee shop” talk with the screen play writer for the King and I. The discussion was on the creative process. He and several other participants said they used notepads ALL OVER THEIR HOUSE! They have them by the bed and often wake in the middle of the night with ideas. Creativity sometimes just comes to you. Embrace it!


    • creativegem says:

      I certainly don’t look at it as a bad thing. The issue is trying to slow some of the traffic down. I too have note pads everywhere and am seriously the poster child for post it notes, lol! I don’t think I could have been built any other way but we all need some peace if only for a few minutes. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Julie says:

    I can definitely relate but I’m not so organized with a notepad. I jot things down on whatever random piece of paper I can find — and then I can never find it when I need it. May I ask you where you get your photos for your posts? Are they yours or did you find them on the Web? I don’t know the rules on using photos we find online. Maybe it’s a good question for the Blogging 101 Commons. Thanks and write on!


    • creativegem says:

      LOL!! I’m the post-it note Princess! No problem, both of these picture are from the web, I found while doing my Google research. All pictures that are not my own, I always cite at the end of every post by linking the source (just below my name), That’s how we stay out of trouble.


  5. samanthamacmaster says:

    my brain also has Indian traffic (what a great image), and I use meditation to but it is sooooo hard to clear it all out. Things keep sneaking back in. Don’t give up, b/c it definitely takes work!


    • creativegem says:

      Lol!! That picture is so on point. I’m going to really try because I fail miserably every time and the traffic wins. I close my eyes and I may be clear for a second and then I start thinking again. Lol! Thanks for the encouragement!! 🙂


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