It’s Cherry Blossom time!!

It is the first week of March and in Washington DC, we are (well at least, I am) officially on Cherry Blossom watch. Yay!! The Cherry Blossoms are such finicky trees that bloom when they feel like it, okay maybe it just seems that way because our unpredictably cold weather can actually impede their bloom. Cherry Blossoms are such lovely flowering trees. I love their soft delicate color and structure. According to the Bloom Schedule, peak bloom this year is predicted to be around April 11th -14th, and I can not wait. Continue reading

Hometown Memories

Today, I am joining the blogging event, Hometown Memories Photo Challenge which is hosted by Carol at Hometown Memories. The premise of the event is to showcase and share the people, places and things that make your hometown special to you. I live in Washington, DC or as other Americans may call it, our Nation’s Capital. Washington, DC is indeed the Capital of the United States and America so we are not a state, Continue reading